Preparing to become a new parent survey

Joyous Parental Journey

Parental Journey > Preparing to become a new parent survey

Use this as a conversation template to help make sure the company is best positioned to support someone ahead of them becoming a new parent.

Q: When is your new child estimated to arrive?


Q: We know that taking care of dinner is a hassle during the early weeks. Would you prefer a voucher for MyFoodBag meal kits or pre-made meals?


Extended Leave

Q: Are you planning to take extended leave?


Q: When would you like to start taking extended leave?


Q: Do you know when you'd like to return from extended leave? In months or estimated return date.


Six weeks paid leave

If you are taking extended leave, then you will be paid your usual salary for the first six weeks. If you are not taking extended leave please answer the following questions for your six weeks paid leave.

Q: How would you like to use your six weeks paid leave?

For example: You may want to take two weeks off initially, and then spread the remaining four weeks out over a longer period. Or perhaps you may want to work shorter weeks for a period of time.

Or, you may choose to play it by ear. That's perfectly okay too, providing us with your initial thinking simply helps us to plan to cover for you while you are away. You can firm up your plans closer to the time.



Q: As is the Joyous tradition, we would love to arrange a shower for you! Do you have any thoughts around timing?



Q: Would you like to connect with another parent at Joyous for support and advice from time to time?


Q: Is there anything else you'd like to talk about regarding becoming a new parent at Joyous?
