

Leadership Capability

Increasing nurse retention by maximizing opportunities to leverage their skills

The Approach

Steven Harvey, Managing Director of Partnered Health, along with the practice managers used a Joyous campaign to talk to 500 healthcare nurses across 60+ clinics in Australia. Their goal: to understand and improve three key aspects of skills use.

First, whether nurses made good use of their skills and which skills they would like to utilize more in their role. Second, whether nurses felt their skills were appreciated and what changes would help them feel appreciated. Third, whether nurses were provided with training to improve their skills and whether any additional training was needed.

The Results


The Joyous campaign results highlighted that 77% of nurses felt their skills could be better utilized. The top actionable themes were to provide mentoring opportunities, and to utilize specific skills such as immunisation, wound care, clinical skills, and injury management. Monthly mentoring sessions run by nurses were implemented immediately to provide skill sharing opportunities and leadership development.


33% of nurses felt their skills were appreciated. One of the top actionable themes was to improve recognition, including recognition of skills from leaders and offering tokens of appreciation. Another was to provide development opportunities, with nurses seeking career development courses, leadership training, and further options for career progression.


Half the nurses were interested in additional training. The prevalent actionable theme was to provide specific training such as wound care, cannulation, suturing, functional examination, diabetes, and ear micro suction.

The Impact

7 Nurses Retained

A total potential labour cost saving of~$800k. Based on retaining a number of predicted exiting nurses.